The Story Sherpa is a communications-for-social-change consultancy based in Washington, D.C. with a field office in Dominican Republic. I help reveal social impact and global development issues through the lens of firsthand stories. 

Speak French, Spanish, English or Haitian Kreyol? I got you :-)

Pillow Field Research Day.JPG

Maya Angelou was (always) right. Words DO matter.

And, yes, people will always remember how you make them feel. As a humanitarian aid worker and video journalist, I earned my storyteller badge honestly. What I’ve learned: Listening makes us witnesses. Perspective changes us. Agency matters. Stories close the gap between us and our audience.




I help mission-driven organizations connect to their audience and increase impact by explaining social impact and global development issues through the lens of personal stories.


I believe in

❤︎ Grit (cue Dr Angela Duckworth)

❤︎ Listening

❤︎ Keeping it real

❤︎ Choosing what’s right, not what’s easy