What are the odds that you exist today?

It’s that time of year! My birthday month! This year’s birthday reflexion is inspired by researcher Dr Ali Binazir. His research asked: “What are the odds that you exist as you today?” .

He summed up his findings in the following analogy: “Imagine there’s one life preserver (floating) somewhere in some ocean and there is exactly one turtle in all of the oceans- swimming underwater somewhere. The probability that you came about and exist today is the same as that turtle sticking its head out of the water in the middle of that life preserver— on one try.” .

Basically, the odds of you (or me) being alive are ZERO. So, basically* we are all miracles! (For clarity, Merriam-Webster defines a miracle as “a highly improbable event or development that brings very welcome consequences.”) .

Which brings me to my last point- “very welcome consequences.” Let’s be real: Are you living your life in such way to bring “very welcome consequences” to the world? .

I’ll let you wrestle with your own conscience. In the meantime, come over to my blog (🏃🏼‍♀️link in bio) to read what I learned through an unfathomable mix of disappointments, triumph and loss in 2018. A hint? Gratitude! .
